Step 1.

Take two photographs. I chose one from a nearby park where I live, and added a Grayscale Lens Object (Object > Create > New Lens > Grayscale), which converts the photo to a black and white image.

Step 2.

Add two additional Lens objects; Tone Curve and Contrast Enhancement, to increase the contrast and depth in the image. 

Step 3.

Open the photo of the man in town. Use a Mask tool and the Eraser tool to cut out the male figure. Copy & Paste the cut-out figure to the park photograph in PHOTO-PAINT. I like to also add a Grayscale effect to the human figure, therefore I selected the object in the Object Manager and in the Menu bar I chose Adjust > Grayscale.

Step 4.

Then with the object selected, I drag the Opacity slider in the Object Manager docker to make the figure more transparent. Select the object and with a right-mouse click, select Duplicate. Move the duplicate object slightly to the side and increase the size just a tad. This will work as a glow effect after applying a Motion Blur to the duplicate object (Effects > Blur > Motion Blur).

Step 5.

To intensify the colors on the photo and background object, select and add a Tone Curve Lens. When finished, use the tablet pen or mouse and start by erasing parts of the Grayscale Object to reveal the underlying colors of the park image. Finish off by creating a new object in the Object Manager and painting with the Brush tool and a soft nib, a broad brush stroke sideways from the sky. Place it behind the man. Add transparency and adjust the brushstroke.  Finished! Have fun!

Tip provided by Stefan Lindblad, CorelDRAW Master, Illustrator, Graphic Designer & Artist.