• Custom Windows Phone 7.5 lockscreen

    I've been using a Windows Phone 7.5 device (in my case, the Nokia Lumia 800) for a few months now, and while I found a few apps to create a custom lock-screen instead of using an existing photo, none did have the graphics effects I was looking for. Looking on the intertubes, I found a Photoshop template by AJ Troxell which put me on the right track (but I obviously wanted to use Corel PHOTO-PAINT). Combining some elements…

    • Sun, May 27 2012
  • Great utility for font fanatics

    Part of the development for CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6, we did a lot of work around fonts and typography with advanced OpenType features support. We developed a tool internally that helps find out what features are available within a given font. Claude, from the CorelDRAW R&D team posted that FontTesterPlus utility for the members of the CorelDRAW.com community to use.

    You can learn more about it in his recent…

    • Wed, May 2 2012