Adding new line styles

In CDraw X5 I can choose line styles. But I would like to add some more styles (and to remove some that I never use).

I only found a possibility to create new styles based on a kind of a pixel approach: A one-by-many array of single squares can be marked to be coloured of white, producing dashed lines with any kind of dash length.Also, the dash "frequency" seems to be dictated by the line width only; I do not manage to make thin dashed lines with a reasonably visible dash frequency.

However, I would like to make line consisting of other shapes, like circles, triangles, diamonds, etc., either filled or "open". Or make thin dashed lines with user-specifiec dash and space lengths that do not change when changing the line width. Is this possible?

Also, multi-colour dashes – with e.g. odd-numbered dashes in one colour and even-numbered ones in another color – might be useful.

In the current version, however, the number of dash schemes available is big enough to be confusing. Especially when the line is made relatively wide – say, 0,5 .. 1 mm or so – and I want to make more lines with the same shape, than it is difficult to find again the same shape the list of standard shapes. Is it possible to add names (or numbers, but not just running numbers!) to the shapes, so that a shape can be found again easily?

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