Opening older files

I'm a bit frustrated with the lack of backwards compatibility. I have quite a few old Corel CDR files from 2002 and 2003. Can't open them in X7. Could not open them in X4 either. When opening these files open all I get is a blank untitled document. Is there any way that I could open and resave these files in the new format or have I new lost them all for good?


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  • X4 should be able to open most files back to version 5. Anything older is probably best opened in the original version and saved to PDF by printing to a PDF print driver (foxit, bullzip, acrobat etc). You will then probably be able to import the PDF into X4 or X7.

    X7 should be able to open most files back to version 7.

    2002 is quite recent in Corel history -- the current version was 11 -- so unless you were using a much older version back then, that ought to cover the files you have.


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