Saving and Printing Files without the Confirmation Dialogs

I am having a problem in X5 where I am attempting to save a file using the ActiveDocument.SaveAs command:

Even though I have set all available properties and supplied a full file path to save the file, I am still being shown a confirmation save as dialog window.  I'd like this save operation (and a corresponding print operation) to occur silently without any user intervention, but the API documentation does not seem to address this.  I understand this behavior did not happen in earlier releases (at least that is what I've read on other forums) so I'm wondering if anyone has noticed this odd behavior in X5 as well and has a workaround / undocumented solution?

Relevant code sample below:

    ' These assignments and their corresponding declarations occur in another module (they're global in scope)
    AppPath = "C:\Wizard"       ' Directory containing Wizard support files
    CDRPath = "CDR"             ' Directory to archive saved Corel Draw Files
    TicketPath = "Tickets"      ' Directory to archive saved Claims Tickets

    '...After assigning these variables, I test and confirm that I DO have a value stored for the full path in the concatenated location I'm using below

Public Sub CreateSign(ByVal SignNumber As Integer, ByVal Name As String, ByVal ID As String, ByVal NameWidth As Double, ByVal NameHeight As Double, ByVal NameLeftPos As Double, ByVal NameBottomPos As Double, Optional ByVal Save As Boolean)
On Error GoTo ERR_CreateSign

    Dim sh As Shape
    Dim doc As Document
    Dim FileName As String
    ' Select Text Name Shape
    If SignNumber = 1 Then
        ActivePage.Shapes.FindShape(Query:="@name = 'Name1'").CreateSelection
    ElseIf SignNumber = 2 Then
        ActivePage.Shapes.FindShape(Query:="@name = 'Name2'").CreateSelection
    End If
    Set sh = ActiveShape                    ' Set my Shape Object to the currently selected active shape
    ' Update it's text contents
    sh.Text.Story = Name
    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrInch
    ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrBottomLeft
    ' Resize to NameWidth x NameHeight
    sh.SizeWidth = NameWidth
    sh.SizeHeight = NameHeight
    ' Left - Align Text Field to NameLeftMargin
    sh.LeftX = NameLeftPos
    sh.BottomY = NameBottomPos
    ' Deselect the current shape
    ' Select the Text ID Shape
    If SignNumber = 1 Then
        ActivePage.Shapes.FindShape(Query:="@name = 'SignID1'").CreateSelection
    ElseIf SignNumber = 2 Then
        ActivePage.Shapes.FindShape(Query:="@name = 'SignID2'").CreateSelection
    End If
    ' Set my Shape Object to the currently selected active shape
    Set sh = ActiveShape
    ' Update it's text contents
    sh.Text.Story = ID

    ' If we've been asked to Save this document on this call
    If (Save) Then
        Dim opt As New StructSaveAsOptions
        ' Create a unique file name with Time/Date Stamp and .CDR Extension
        FileName = AppPath & "\" & CDRPath & "\" & Format(Now, "d-mmm-yyyy-hh-mm-ss") & ".cdr"
        ' Set Options
        opt.EmbedICCProfile = True
        opt.EmbedVBAProject = False
        opt.Filter = cdrCDR
        opt.IncludeCMXData = True
        opt.Overwrite = True
        opt.Range = cdrAllPages
        opt.Version = cdrCurrentVersion
        ' Save File
        ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName, opt
    End If
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_CreateSign

End Sub

Thanks in Advance!

BJ Hoffpauir