Kaple Sv. Floriána, Kladno

Chaple of St. Florian, Kladno Town, Czech Rp

  • I see! I want to say same. I draw A4 and delete in the end (before export in png) all start pixel drawings (or photos).

    Thank you for history information.

  • Sorry Sasha,

    It is done onto a larger size - A3 in the original vector. I forgot to make a smaller size, the best would be to go in the smaller - A4.

    The original vector has 15 Mb, because I also forgot to remove the photo in one layer, which helped me to draw.

    This is a chapel, which was designed by K. I. Dientzenhofer  in the year 1751.He is famous for many Prague well-known churches and houses. But he died in that 1751 and the chapel was finished later in 19th century. Town Kladno, where I live, was full of mines, shafts and had the Works Poldi, the  steel blast furnaces and stainless steel works. So there was enough money to built.

  • Good.

    Why the file is so heavy (2,8 Mb)? As vector it must be about 100-200 kb.
