Weakest Link timer concept

In my previous post, I mentioned that I've included a "clock" face in the design. I'd imagined that they would use a large screen on the set (preferably behind the host) as a backdrop with the logo and either some or all of the individual elements of the clock face turning clockwise. Before the round will start, the logo would morph into a large timer. And instead of a pile of disks usually seen at the left showing how much they've earned, a literal chain with their corresponding money values would appear below. One wrong answer and the link where question was asked would break and a new chain would replace the broken one.

Also, the logo would glow a different color as time progresses. Blue in the first few seconds, red at halftime, and the glow will be much brighter at the last 15 seconds. And a flash of white as time ends. The visual cues may add more pressure to the contestants as they can see how stressful the game is becoming, as well as how much time is left.
