X7 Open Palette Code Stopped Working?

Below is the code I been using for quick access to out Custom Palettes. I've been using it seamlessly but now not so much. What am I doing wrong? I have x6 and x7. Works fine on x6!! But stopped working on x7. I now get an error.

Compile Error:

With object must be user-defined type, object, or Variant. 

Private Sub ClassicImp_Click()

With Palettes
.Open "C:\Users\cthompson\Documents\Corel\MACRO_Palettes\ClassicImpressions.xml"
End With

End Sub

So... I tried

Dim pal as Palette

with pal

.open "C:\Users\cthompson\Documents\Corel\MACRO_Palettes\ClassicImpressions.xml"

end with

No luck. What am i missing???