After uninstalling the X6 trial X5 macros and plugins not working!

After uninstalling the X6 trial X5 macros and plugins not working!

Well, still no answer from corel or the macro developers. I guess there is no support just sell sell sell and never mind the issues and wright-off the customer.

What bothers me is to spend lots of money with these plugin/macro developers who are now pushing the X6 trial and not spending the time to backing up their own macros/plugin/dockers etc. The only solution I see is to do a charge back with your credit card.

Right now none of the following macros/plugins work for me none of them and no support either.

AdvancedTshirts: Designbase and Fashionfactory 3
Macromonster;  macros
Steveyatesgraphics; Quick Change, Pixel Splitter and Vector Seps

The following macro "Neon 6" by developer Alexander Penkin does work. I'm not sure if he uses a different code language but his macro works without any problems.

If anyone has a solution to the macro problem caused by the X6 trial uninstall, please post.

Thank You

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