Transparency workflow stopped working


Ever figure out a graphics 'trick', not use it for a couple of months, then can't remember how you did it? Situation here I think...

Anyways..a popular technique to add a psuedo reflection to text or an object with corel is to overlay an object (or manually draw it) on your target object or text, make the overlay object white, and add transparency to the top object. Fiddle with the gradient and you have a convincing looking reflection.

A few months ago I figured out a quick and dirty way to do this with more complex objects and a lot quicker, however, I'm trying to repeat what I did then and it's not working.  Say you have a block of text and want to add a reflective highlight over the top half of the text. I'd draw a box or ellipse over the top half of the text, make it white, add transparency to taste, select both the bottom text and overlay object, select intersect, move this new object off to the side which has the proper gradient, and delete the top object.  I'd then slide the 'intersection' piece back over the original text  and it worked perfect. This way the transparency flowed only with the text and not the background.

Today I tried this and it didn't work. The newly created 'intersect' no longer carries the transparency with it and just has the color attribute of the text underneath.  Unfortunately other people use my computer and Corel and not sure if a setting got changed.  If there's a simplier way to do this I'd like to know as well. All the tutorials I've seen show a lot more complicated means of getting a transparent 'highlight'  gradient overlap a string of text without overlapping the background.