CQL & Strings...

Dim sr1 as shaperange

Dim palVal as string

palVal = RGB(28, 18, 205) ' Here is my string. I put it here so it's easy to change per various scenarios that will be below. but in this case I only used one. 

Set sr1 = ActiveSelection.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@fill.color= RGB(28,18,205)") ' Here is the original setup but I want to replace this with palVal like below

Set sr1 = ActiveSelection.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@fill.color= 'palVal'") ' So i'd like to pull the value by using this key word / string "palVal"

But strings and CQL are confusing. I want to pull by value. But by using a keyword to make changing all the values easier. Can anyone assist me? 

No Data
  • Here is the whole Code In the event it may help you help me :)

    Sub royalBlue403Val()

    Dim sr1 As ShapeRange, sr2 As ShapeRange, sr3 As ShapeRange
    Dim ff As FountainFill
    Dim i As Long

    Dim palVal$
    Dim R$, G$, B$

    palVal$ = RGB(28, 18, 205) ' My String im trying to use in CQL

    R = 0
    G = 70
    B = 145

    Set sr1 = ActiveSelection.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@fill.color= RGB(28,18,205)") <- Here I want to replace w/string "palVal"
    sr1.ApplyUniformFill CreateRGBColor(R, G, B)

    Set sr2 = ActiveSelectionRange.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@outline.color =RGB(28,18,205)") <- Here I want to replace w/string"palVal"
    sr2.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateRGBColor(R, G, B)

    Set sr3 = ActiveSelectionRange.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@fill.fountain.colors.find('403 - Royal Blue')") < How do I change this from Name to Value? Since its a Fountain?

    For Each s In sr3.Shapes
    Set ff = s.fill.Fountain

    For i = 0 To ff.Colors.Count - 1
    If ff.Colors(i).Color.Name = "403 - Royal Blue" Then
    If ff.Colors(i).Color.rgbvalue = palVal Then ' palVal string worked here just fine. 
    ff.Colors(i).Color.RGBAssign R, G, B , ' this string worked! 
    End If
    End If
    Next i
    Next s
    End Sub

    My strings just don't work for the CQL Portion... It's a little confusing. 
