Contour // VBA // Countour same Color as

The object I'm adding the contour to.


Can i have an example of how this goes?


John helpled me w/contours previously.

Below is what i have now. I have the contour being applied, broken apart, and top object deleted. So, how do i get the contour the same colors as the object i applied the contour to? Make sense? Can i see an example?


Sub TxtThickn() ' outer contour to thicken text .007

ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "my crunchy macro"

    Dim s As Shape, e As Effect, sr As ShapeRange
    Dim dVal#
    Dim colOutline As Color, colFill1 As Color, colFill2 As Color

    Set s = ActiveShape
    If s Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    dVal = 0.007
    Set colOutline = CreateCMYKColor(0, 0, 0, 100)
    Set colFill1 = CreateCMYKColor(80, 40, 24, 100)
    Set colFill2 = CreateCMYKColor(80, 40, 24, 100)
    Set e = s.CreateContour
    With e.Contour
        .Direction = cdrContourOutside
        .Offset = dVal
        .Steps = 1
        .OutlineColor = colOutline
        .FillColor = colFill1
        .FillColorTo = colFill2
        .SpacingAcceleration = 0
        .ColorAcceleration = 0
        .EndCapType = cdrContourRoundCap
        .CornerType = cdrContourCornerRound
        .MiterLimit = 15
    End With
    Set sr = e.Separate
    'do something with sr or the shapes it contains.
    saveFormPos True
End Sub

