Call Visual Studio Sub via CorelDraw-Button

Hello everyone,

i try to call a Visual Studio sub via a CorelDraw-Button.

My code:

 Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

        Dim ctl As CommandBarControl
        app = New CorelDRAW.Application
        ctl = app.CommandBars("Kabelsatzdokumentation").Controls.AddCustomButton("ad32e882-cced-44f8-b46e-5a1861b61862", "test", 4, False)
        ctl.SetCustomIcon("C:\Program Files\Corel\Vorlagen\Bilder\Kabelsatzdokumentaion.Aufruf_Leitungserstellung.Leitungsdefinition_Öffnen.userSmallBitmap1.bmp")
        ctl.Caption = "NaDu"
        ctl.DescriptionText = "Sagt NaDu"

End Sub

ad32e882-cced-44f8-b46e-5a1861b61862 is the guid of my application and test the name of the sub i want to call.

The CustomButton is created as expected but disabled and im not able to call my sub.

Has anyone an idea how to fix this?

Greetings and thanks in advance
