Changing 1 colour in black and white drawing to transparent?

I have a black and white drawing of a logo (Black logo on a white background) in both PNG and EPS format.

I need to change all the white to transparent including white areas within the logo.

How do I do it?

  • I would hazard to guess the eps contains only black fills and outlines with no white if it is truly vector and not an embedded bitmap. If there are white fills in the eps, you could just delete them. It would be easy to tell if you cold post the file on dropbox or something similar.

    Is the PNG not transparent? Maybe it just needs to be re-exported.

  • If they are vectors you'll have to combine objects to create transparent holes, or you may have to use the shaping command, Trim.
    Like David said, we need to see the file to determine the best way to do it.

    If it is a black and white bitmap image (1-bit), you can select colors by left or right clicking colors in a palette, including "no color" which makes it transparent in this case.