Program overwrites files without warning, adds .. to gif exports

IT department swapped out my old laptop for a new one, reimaged everything, including Corel Draw X3 Graphics Suite. I now have a new problem.

1) When I create a new graphic and give it a name that is the same name as an existing file, Draw will overwrite the original without asking me if I want to replace it.

2) When I export a graphic to gif, I have to click in the save as type window, even though the file type "GIF - CompuServe Bitmap" is already shown. If I don't, Draw will export the file with a "cdr", but the file cannot be opened as a cdr file.

3) Added to that, when I export to gif, after clicking on the save as type window (which re-selects GIF...), the file name shown included 2 dots, as in graphic1..gif.

How do I make sure that I am always asked to if I want to replace an existing file and stop the annoying problem of Corel adding a second dot to the file name?