Color Separations advanced settings disabled

In my color separations in print preview the "use advanced settings" is disabled. Can anyone help me on this?

I have loaded cdr graphics suite 12 on my new laptop w/windows 7, and also on my old machine that I have loaded windows 7 on. Cannot register the program any more due to outdated version. problem exists on both computers.

There are other minor issues but this one I use regularly.

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  • I would like to know how to fix this problem as well. I've been using Corel X5 on my Windows 7 64-bit for several months. We recently added a computer to our graphics department and had to network our printers and suddenly we can't access the "Advanced" settings anymore. All we did was attach the printer to a print server and change the port it was located on. For a few days the "Advanced" settings were working on one computer but not the other. Today it stopped working on both. 

    I tried installing that PDF Creator program but it didn't help. Plus it installed toolbars and other crap I had to remove. 

    Has anyone else figured this out? 



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