Facing pages

My project is in Landscape (8½ by 11) with its binding running horizontally. Similar to a wall calendar that has a photgraph on the upper page and the month on the lower. Unlike a calendar, however, some of my two-page spreads include a single image or text box covering both pages. Is it possible to have facing pages on the screen? (I tried the ordinary facing pages mode---Portrait---but everthing is rotated 90° on the screen and tilting my head was unpleasent.  


Ron Lindow 


  • I'm not sure if I understand question 100% but here is my answer. Well you can go to Arrange/Transformation and then rotate your picture cw or ccw so you won't have to tilt your head or you can double click the picture and rotate it manualy by moving the mouse over the corner when double arrows will show and then move it to the side. You will see that your mouse ponter will change into circle with arrows. (if it does not allow you to do that, you will need to change the bitmap file and import it again). The only problem you will have, they will not fit on the page anymore after rotating. Unfortunatelly corel will not allow you to have first page portrait and second landscape so you have to make it work on all your designs with the appropriate size of the page. Be carefull when printing project, corell will crop anything that will not fit on the page.

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