Sub GetPointPositionAt_Sample() Dim s1 As Shape Set s1 = ActiveLayer.CreateLineSegment(1.698224, 8.796287, 3.094059, 8.22337) s1.Outline.SetProperties 0.1 'Someone could trace a constellation 'For this example we created Ursa Major using the code below Dim crv As Curve Set crv = ActiveDocument.CreateCurve With crv.CreateSubPath(1.698224, 8.796287) .AppendLineSegment 3.094059, 8.22337 .AppendLineSegment 3.583642, 7.317118 .AppendLineSegment 4.229476, 6.317118 .AppendLineSegment 6.239894, 5.306701 .AppendLineSegment 5.364894, 4.348366 .AppendLineSegment 3.885724, 5.317118 .AppendLineSegment 4.229476, 6.317118 End With s1.Curve.CopyAssign crv 'This portion of the sample code could be run to 'automatically create the position of each star in the constellation Dim sStarPosition As Shape Dim x As Double, y As Double Dim sg As Segment For Each sg In ActiveShape.Curve.Segments sg.GetPointPositionAt x, y, 0.01, cdrAbsoluteSegmentOffset Set sStarPosition = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2(x, y, 0.1) sStarPosition.Fill.UniformColor.BWAssign True Next sg End Sub