Listbox.additem Load | But...


I have Listbox1 that loads my installed fonts. I have ComboBox1 that I send my "Favorite Fonts" to for future access. 


When I add Fonts (from Listbox) to My Favorite Fonts (ComboBox) and the form closes; The fonts I've added to my ComboBox disappears. I tried Save Settings and Get settings but I'm doing something Wrong. So Instead of displaying my mistakes. Ill show you what I have now and you can help me along from here? 

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim i As Long

i = Listbox1.ListIndex
ComboBox1.AddItem Listbox1.List(i, 0), 0

End Sub


Private Sub LoadInstalledFonts()

Dim myFonts As Integer, i As Integer, v As Variant
Dim startFont As String

startFont = "Arial"
myFonts = 0
i = 0

For Each v In FontList
Listbox1.AddItem v
If v = startFont Then myFonts = i
i = i + 1
Next v

Listbox1.ListIndex = myFonts
End Sub


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

End Sub


So, After I add my favorite fonts to my combobox... How do I keep them there?