Saving Documents + Exporting Pages HELP

I Need Help... It's been a while since i've reached out. 

I have a Document with 2 pages. 

I need each (document , page 1  & page 2) to all save in different locations with one click. 

Example:  Upon pressing command button...

  • Document will save in location 1
  • Page 1 will save in location 2
  • &
  • Page 2 will save in location 3. 

Currently I have 3 command buttons saving each out individually. I want to consolidate but need direction. Any help is appreciated. 


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  • Do you create a new document or is it an existing which you want to copy?
    But in both cases you should use ActiveDocument.SaveAs("C:\Temp\MyDoc.Cdr")
    To export a page into a Jpg you can use e.g. Set ExpFlt = ActiveDocument.ExportBitmap(OutPath + OutFile, cdrJPEG). In the FileName you also can submit the path. So you can define the location.

    You have already 3 command buttons which do the 3 actions. I don't know how you made the command buttons and which kind they are, but you have to assign a macro to them. If the macro behind button 1 is named CommandButton1_Click, button 2 CommandButton2_Click and Button 3 maybe SaveMyDocu, then you can create a macro where you only call the 3 click-actions in the for your purpose most convenience order:

    Sub DoAll
    End Sub

    Depending on the way you created the command buttons, it may be, that it does not find the macros. If this is the case, then check, if the Click-Events are private:
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    In that case, simply remove 'Private' If you face some problems, that there are more CommandButton1_Clicks in your project, you need to rename the command button maybe to 'ExpPage_1', then the Click-Event is named ExpPage_1_Click, so you can generate unique names.

    Hope this helps a little!

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