Need Help | VBA | Doc.Name Via .TXT File

Okay - Hang in there with me while I try to explain...

What I have so far: 

  • CommandButton1 - Creates a new Document
  • CommandButton2 - Saves Document
  • A .txt file with a string number value. I started mine at 1000. (I am calling this my "Design Number"). 

When I Create a New Document via Commandbutton1 the ActiveDocument.Name is the string value on the .txt file + 1. (I'm generating design numbers that count up). Basically for every new document via the macro is a new design number naming that document.  

When I Save Document (commandbutton2) - The New Document.Name should replace the string in the txt file with 1001. But this part isnt working. 

And it should keep going up from there every time i create a new document and save it. 

Private Sub commandButton1_Click()

Dim TextFile As Integer
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileContent As String

On Error Resume Next
FilePath = "C:\Users\chier\Desktop\Design Number" & ".txt"

TextFile = FreeFile

Open FilePath For Input As TextFile

FileContent = Input(LOF(TextFile), TextFile)

ActiveDocument.Name = FileContent

Close TextFile

Dim doc1 As Document
Set doc1 = CreateDocument()
doc1.Name = FileContent + 1

End Sub

Private Sub commandButton2_Click() 

'(This is where stuff starts action crazy i think). IT doesnt save properly i think. 

Dim TextFile As Integer
Dim FilePath As String

FilePath = "C:\Users\chier\Desktop\New Text Document" & ".txt"

TextFile = FreeFile

Open FilePath For Output As TextFile ' Replaces Each Line in File
'Open FilePath For Append As TextFile ' Adds additional Lines

On Error Resume Next
Print #TextFile, ActiveDocument.Name

Close TextFile

ActiveDocument.SaveAs "C:\Users\chier\Desktop\" & ActiveDocument.Name & ".cdr"
End Sub

Any adjustments will be helpful :) 

No Data
  • The problem you describe in your script is, that you want to save a document name (including extension!!!) into a text file. Then you try to convert this filename into a number which will fail and result as 0.
    To avoid this, you could to the following:
    Store the ActiveDocument.Name in a string variable, search for the first dot and cut off the part starting at that position. Then you have again only your number and it will work.

    Since I'm very familiar with this kind of problem, I would suggest an absolutely different solution. This way even allows you to give your document a name in addition to the version number.
    In my example you even can start with a version 0 with 3 or more leading zeros:

    Option Explicit

    Sub aaTestMe()

    SaveAsNext ActiveDocument, "C:\Temp\2018\Test\ForCDT_01_1000.Cdr"

    End Sub

    Sub SaveAsNext(ByRef iDoc As Document, ByVal pDefault As String)

    Dim CurPath As String, CurBody As String, CurNum As String, CurExt As String, CurName As String
    Dim CurFile As String, MaxFile As String
    Dim n1 As Integer, n2 As Integer, Ch1 As String, Ch2 As String

    CurName = pDefault
    n1 = InStrRev(CurName, ".")
    CurExt = Mid(CurName, n1)
    CurName = Left(CurName, n1 - 1)
    n1 = InStrRev(CurName, "\")
    CurPath = Left(CurName, n1)
    CurBody = Mid(CurName, n1 + 1)

    n1 = InStrRev(CurBody, "_")
    CurNum = Mid(CurBody, n1 + 1)
    CurBody = Left(CurBody, n1)

    'After splitting the default name into different needed parts we explore, what is already existent

    MaxFile = ""
    CurFile = Dir(CurPath + CurBody + "*" + CurExt)
    While CurFile <> ""
       If MaxFile = "" Then
          MaxFile = UCase(CurFile)
          If UCase(CurFile) > MaxFile Then MaxFile = UCase(CurFile)
       End If
       CurFile = Dir

    If MaxFile <> "" Then 'at least one file of that default name exists
       n1 = InStrRev(MaxFile, ".")
       MaxFile = Left(MaxFile, n1 - 1) ' cuts off the extention
       Ch1 = Mid(MaxFile, Len(CurBody) + 1) 'Cuts out the highest numeric part of the series
       n1 = Val(Ch1) + 1 'convert this to the next number
       Ch1 = Trim(Str(n1)) 'makes a string
       While Len(Ch1) < Len(CurNum)
          Ch1 = "0" + Ch1
       Wend 'fills the leading zeros, so that you can start also with 0
       CurNum = Ch1
    End If

    CurName = CurPath + CurBody + CurNum + CurExt
    iDoc.SaveAs CurName

    End Sub
