VBA/C# (source) for Off-line QR code generator

I am looking for a Corel off-line code generator. I mean, to build it without using a dedicated site to import a picture.

Everything I could find on the issue is very old and none of the links work.

Is it available, in our community (or somewhere else), such a working example?

I tried transforming a code designed for Excel, I did it, but it has some problems in case of long strings, or in case of special character use. In Excel also...

Can somebody point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!

  • If I got it right: If you can read out from Corel the result of a formula from an Excel-sheet, you get what you want?

    This is pretty easy:
    Take care, that in your Corel document under VBA Options / References "Microsoft Excel xx.x Object Library" is checked.

    For this simple code it's necessary, that Excel is running and the workbook in question is open. It needs to have a sheet named 'Test' where in the 2. row and 4. column a formula shows a result.

    Type then the following lines:

    Sub TestIt()

    Dim W As Workbook, XlsApp As Excel.Application, CurSheet As Excel.Worksheet

    Set XlsApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
    For Each W In XlsApp.Workbooks
       If W.Name = "Test_200503_01.XlsX" Then Set CurSheet = W.Worksheets("Test")
    Next W
    MsgBox CurSheet.Cells(2, 4).Value

    End Sub

    Now you should see the result!

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