Removing non-existing shapes from a Shaperange?

In a macro I'm working on, I allow the user to "store" selected items in a Shaperange, and also to select and add additional items to that Shaperange.

This is done so that the items in the ShapeRange can then be used to create an active selection at a later time.

At some points in time, I want to check to see if all of the items in that Shaperange still exist in the document. Specifically, if all of the items that were stored in the Shaperange were later deleted, I want to be able to disable the "Restore saved selection" button on the form.

Is there a way to check whether one of those referenced items still exists? So that I can "clean up" the Shaperange so that it only contains items that exist?

I could record the active selection, use the Shaperange to create a selection, set the Shaperange to that selection, then restore that saved selection - but that would create problems with my "responsive" macro.

  • You could make a quick for each shape in shaperange loop function and for each shape use a function like the one below..

    if shapexists (shape) = false then shaperange.remove shape

    Public Function ShapeExists(ByRef S1 As Shape) As Boolean
          On Error GoTo NotFound
          If S1.Name = S1.Name Then ShapeExists = True
          Exit Function
          ShapeExists = False
    End Function

  • You could make a quick for each shape in shaperange loop function and for each shape use a function like the one below..

    if shapexists (shape) = false then shaperange.remove shape

    I did it using a Do loop and walking through the shaperange by index. When ShapeExists returns False, I remove the nonexistent shape by index.

    Public Sub SR_remove_nonexisting(ByRef Shaperange As Shaperange)
    Dim lngSR_index As Long
        If Shaperange.Count > 0 Then
            lngSR_index = 1
                If ShapeExists(Shaperange(lngSR_index)) = False Then
                    Shaperange.Remove lngSR_index
                    lngSR_index = lngSR_index + 1
                End If
            Loop Until lngSR_index > Shaperange.Count
        End If

    End Sub

    I don't know that I could do that using a "for each shape in shaperange" approach. That would sometimes be trying to refer to a nonexistent shape, wouldn't it?
