SVG export file using macro is 36 X larger than exporting manually (different file size)

When I select all and export "selected only" to .svg it is the correct expected small file size.

I made a macro to export, but when using the macro some images have a larger file size for no reason.

This looks like a bug with the export SVG macro command.

The sample file exports as 2,829 KB with the macro, but only 80 KB when exported manually.

Or do I need to change my export macro code?

Dim expopt As StructExportOptions
Set expopt = CreateStructExportOptions
expopt.UseColorProfile = False
Dim expflt As ExportFilter
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim ext
ext = objFSO.GetExtensionName(ActiveDocument.filename)
Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportEx("c:\folder" & Replace(ActiveDocument.filename, "." & ext, ".svg"), cdrSVG, cdrSelection, expopt)
With expflt
.Version = 1 ' FilterSVGLib.svgVer11
.Encoding = 0 ' FilterSVGLib.svgUTF8
.Styling = 0 ' FilterSVGLib.svgInternalStyleSheet
.EmbedJavaScript = True
'.width = 6.60428
'.Height = 8.519276
.Units = 0 ' FilterSVGLib.svgInches
.DrawingPrecision = 3 ' FilterSVGLib.svg_1to1000
.FountainSteps = 256
.TextAsCurves = False
.EmbedFont = True
.CharacterSubsetting = 0 ' FilterSVGLib.svgUsedOnly
.GiveEmbededFontPriority = True
.BmpExportType = 0 ' FilterSVGLib.svgJpg
.EmbedImages = True
.UseDecimalPrecision = True
End With
es = True
.UseDecimalPrecision = True
End With

How do I attach a 2.4MB .des file?