Loop VBA macro for files in folder

Hello. Corel Community!

I'm using CorelDRAW 2019.

I'am newbie in VBA. I need to loop a simple action for all files in folder.
I have a folder with .SVG files, I need to open one, crop it, save it and etc. for each file in folder.

There is the macro for one file crop

Sub Crop()

Dim crop1 As ShapeRange
Set crop1 = ActivePage.CustomCommand("Crop", "CropRectArea", 1.125, 4.625, 5.125, 8.625)
Dim grp1 As ShapeRange
Set grp1 = crop1.UngroupAllEx
i = ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count
i = ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count
Dim sel As Shape
Set sel = ActiveDocument.Selection
Set sel = grp1.Group

End Sub

I tried to find any information about loop in Corel in Google, but there is many VBA's for Word and Excel, and they don't won't to work in Corel. Or may be I don't have experience. I tried to put my code within the loop, but don't get any result. This one for example

Option Explicit

Public Sub test()
ProcessFolder "C:\Test"
End Sub

Private Sub EnumSubFolders(ByVal SrcFolder As String, ByVal Folders As Collection)
Dim f As String

f = Dir(SrcFolder & "\*.*", vbDirectory)

While f <> ""
If f <> "." And f <> ".." And (GetAttr(SrcFolder & "\" & f) And vbDirectory) <> 0 Then
Folders.Add SrcFolder & "\" & f
End If
f = Dir()
End Sub

Private Sub ProcessFolder(ByVal SrcFolder As String)
Dim f As String, sFolder As Variant
Dim Folders As New Collection
Dim n As Long

' Create a list of folders and subfolders
EnumSubFolders SrcFolder, Folders

n = 1
While n <= Folders.Count
EnumSubFolders Folders(n), Folders
n = n + 1

' Process the CDR files in each of the folders found
For Each sFolder In Folders
f = Dir(sFolder & "\*.svg")

While f <> ""
ProcessFile sFolder & "\" & f
f = Dir()
Next sFolder
End Sub

Private Sub ProcessFile(ByVal sFile As String)
Dim crop1 As ShapeRange
Set crop1 = ActivePage.CustomCommand("Crop", "CropRectArea", 1.125, 4.625, 5.125, 8.625)
Dim grp1 As ShapeRange
Set grp1 = crop1.UngroupAllEx
i = ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count
i = ActiveSelection.Shapes.Count
Dim sel As Shape
Set sel = ActiveDocument.Selection
Set sel = grp1.Group
End Sub

Help me please!  Thank you!