Does CorelDRAW 2020 have any new optimization features?

Hello all, it's been quite a while.

At my workplace we have been using CorelDRAW 2018 with several complex custom-built  VBA macros made by me. This involves nesting, object manipulation, large scale duplication and several other things that tend to take quite while.

I remember seeing somewhere on the website that the performance in 2020 has been drastically improved and decided to put it to a test. Just making a simple macro where 10000 objects are created and then rotated.

Pure creation was about 5 times faster and creation, then rotation about 2 times faster. Of course, I used this excellent optimization advice from GDG_John.

Now my question is - does the 2020 version have any other optimization tools for VBA macros?

  • Do you use VirtualShapes, VirtualLayers etc?

    Sub CreateManyObjects()
    Dim Doc As Document
    Dim n As Long
    Dim sRect As Shape
    Dim sr As New ShapeRange

    Set Doc = CreateDocument
    ' Create 10000 rectangles
    For n = 1 To 10000
    Set sRect = Doc.TreeManager.VirtualLayer.CreateRectangle2(Rnd() * 8, Rnd() * 11, Rnd() * 4, Rnd() * 5)
    sRect.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign Rnd() * 255, Rnd() * 255, Rnd() * 255
    sRect.Rotate Rnd() * 360
    sr.Add sRect
    Next n
    ' Log the transaction
    Set sr = Doc.LogCreateShapeRange(sr)
    ' Now sr is a real shape range and manipulating it at this point will case additional transactions to be logged
    End Sub

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