Does CorelDRAW 2020 have any new optimization features?

Hello all, it's been quite a while.

At my workplace we have been using CorelDRAW 2018 with several complex custom-built  VBA macros made by me. This involves nesting, object manipulation, large scale duplication and several other things that tend to take quite while.

I remember seeing somewhere on the website that the performance in 2020 has been drastically improved and decided to put it to a test. Just making a simple macro where 10000 objects are created and then rotated.

Pure creation was about 5 times faster and creation, then rotation about 2 times faster. Of course, I used this excellent optimization advice from GDG_John.

Now my question is - does the 2020 version have any other optimization tools for VBA macros?

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  • Well, I am enjoying the current solo activity in this forum... 

    Anyway, I have been testing that original optimization sub, changing the order and such. In the end the original way is the best. Although, really, the change is maybe half a percent or such.

    Then I decided to test a thing I have known to be annoying and slow for a long time - the undo feature:

    Sub Undo()
            Dim T As Single
            T = Timer
            MsgBox Timer - T
    End Sub
    Sub GoodUndo()
            Dim T As Single
            T = Timer
            Optimization = True
            EventsEnabled = False
            Optimization = False
            EventsEnabled = True
            MsgBox Timer - T
    End Sub

    The regular Undo command blinks the cursor between the regular arrow and the wait icon all the time. And takes FOUR TIMES as long as the optimized Undo.

    Sounds like I may have to change the shortcut for this improved version. Will have to test it for stability, though.

    Also during testing I have run into something that just makes everything in CorelDRAW literally 6 times slower and stays that way in all documents. Couldn't figure what it was so far, but will have to try and catch it.

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