How to add a macro description visible in Macro Manager?

Hello, all!

So while re-reading the Macro Management Article I noticed this interesting thing:

And then I searched and searched, but could not find any information about adding this description (inside the VBA file). Strangely enough all the fields in its options menu (Such as tooltip) are empty as well.

So how do I add this in a way that it shows when the VBA file is dropped in the macros folder, without further actions?


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  • Joe,

    The only way I know to generate that "description" is to record the macro.  That is,  when you record a macro you'll have opportunity to put copy in a Description box.  Until I investigated your question,  I always thought Corel read the commented lines at the start of the macro.  But, I now see those truly are ignored comments and changing them do not display as you've observed.  I do not know where that "description" is stored; nor do I know how to modify the description after a macro is recorded.


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