Very nice tool that makes VBA life easier.

Hello, all.

Usually all I do is ask questions here, but decided to share something useful I found as well.

Five years ago I was looking for something that would help with code indentation.

At the time Smart Indenter from Office Automation worked quite nicely (although sometimes it would get confused by Labels and such), but then it did not work with 64-bit VBA.

MZ-Tools is great, but costs money... Which is a silly point, but still. If you don't use VBA too often or make complex projects it may also feel a little overkill.

So anyway - in a YouTube video comment I found this excellent tool which seemed to be very efficient at avoiding being found by google:

For me the main function was VBA code indentation, but it has plenty to offer besides that as well.

Hopefully this is useful to someone here.