• Corel R.A.V.E

    Does anyone know what happend to Corel R.A.V.E, i haven't used it since corel 12, but went to use it the other day and found out its not included with corel X3, is there a reason or am i missing something, looks like i'm going to have to install 12…
  • Re: Doesn't X3 include Corel R.A.V.E ?

    R.A.V.E. was available up to version 12 of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. You can use R.A.V.E. from v12 side by side with CorelDRAW and PHOTO-PAINT from X3 or X4.

  • Re: Help with Corel R.A.V.E.

    are you using version 3?  I haven't been using it long, but this is what I do:  save it using "Publish to web..." and it will generate a html page for the flash, then you can open it up using whatever web editor you like and add the code.

  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12

    Discussions about CorelDRAW 12, Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12 and Corel R.A.V.E. 3.
  • Updating from CorelDraw 10 (Corel R.A.V.E. 1.0)

    I have been working for a long time with Corel, especially with R.A.V.E.

    I( would like to upgrade to Grafice suite X6. Is it possible to open Corel R.A.V.E. Films (clk-files) to convert in thze new format and to continue working with them so that I can…

  • CorelDraw Error to open

    Dear All

    My CorelDraw 12 version canot open. When i open the coreldraw logo will come after 5 secent that will disappear. I can open other Corel Graphic suites, ie.. Corel Photopaint 12, Corel R.A.V.E. 3.0. etc., CorelDraw only not working. Now i used Corel…

  • Creating radial wipe effect in Corel R.A.V.E. 2.0

    I have been searching the web for any info on this but have not found anything. Can anyone tell me how to create an animated radial wipe effect in Corel R.A.V.E. 2.0? Any responses would be appreciated.

  • Re: Corel R.A.V.E. 12 - Trouble with GIF-animation exporting

    However the problem is already solved, so thanks for help. I'm agree that browsers have default size for items, but it's very intresting, why GIF animated with Photoshop and GIF animated with R.A.V.E. are shown differently?
  • Re: How to create an effect of lightning in coreldraw X4?

    I was able to find it -- thanks Brian.  Yes Pizza Beer

    I also looked into my v.11 but alas, I only have the CorelDRAW upgrade which included the Corel R.A.V.E. extra -- no Photo-Paint. Crying