What is Rect Area Dims?

Rect Area Dims is a macro that measures the rectangular area occupied by one or more selected objects, and then creates a text label showing the width and height of that rectangular area.

Options are available for specifying the position where the text is created, many of the properties of the text (e.g.., font, font size), and some aspects of how dimensions are represented (e.g., units, number of decimal places).

When Use True Size of Objects is checked, the macro uses the "true size" of objects (including outline width, corner styles, line caps, etc.) rather than "wireframe" size when calculating the dimensions.

The macro can also create a bounding rectangle - optionally including a specified margin - to help show the content that was used to calculate the dimensions.

If multiple objects are selected, options are available to have the macro treat those objects individually (multiple rectangular areas) or "as a group" (just one rectangular area for all selected objects).

Options are available to specify the layers on which the text and rectangles are created. There is also an option to have each text/rectangle pair grouped together.

See Rect Area Dims in use: