In an earlier post - #2: Workspace Customization - Using a VBA macro sub as a Command - we showed how a Command can be added to a Toolbar using CorelDRAW's workspace customization.

Commands can also be added to Menus, using the same sort of drag-and-drop method. What might be less obvious is how Commands can be added to Context Menus.

Context Menus are Menus that are accessed by right-clicking (or whatever you use for the secondary mouse button). There are a number of these in CorelDRAW, and the Menu you see depends on the context in which the right-click is used. Here are just a few examples of actions with which specific Context Menus are associated:

  • right-clicking on the Application Desktop
  • right-clicking on the Document Desktop
  • right-clicking with a Graphic Object selected
  • right-clicking with Artistic Text selected
  • right-clicking with a Group Object selected

We know that we can add a Command to a Toolbar or Menu by dragging and dropping - but how do we drop a Command onto a Menu that only appears temporarily, and only in a specific context?

The answer is the Context Menu Bar, which can be found in Options>Workspace>Customization>Command Bars.

After checking the box to make the Context Menu Bar visible, you can't really do anything with it - until you go to Options>Workspace>Customization>Commands to carry out workspace customization. In that environment, you are free to explore the Context Menu Bar to see what Context Menus are available, and what content is in each of them. The Menus in that Command Bar serve as targets for drag-and-drop workspace customization.

In this video, we make the Context Menu Bar visible, look through it to see all of the Context Menus that are there, then drag-and-drop to add a Command to the top of the Document Desktop Context Menu. In this example, the Command is the same "Hello World" macro sub that we worked with in earlier posts.