Hello, CorelDRAW Community!

It’s a very exciting day for the CorelDRAW team and we’re thrilled to introduce you to three new products in the CorelDRAW family -- CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019 for Windows, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019 for Mac & CorelDRAW.app.

For years, users have asked us “What about Mac?” We can assure you, the topic has never been far from our minds. And as we’ve said many times, running our Windows suite on a Mac using Parallels is a great solution for many of our users.

But in terms of delivering a new suite just for macOS, we knew we’d only undertake the project if we went all the way. Success could only be defined by delivering a native and authentic experience where Mac users would immediately feel at home and inspired to create their best work.

So we’re excited to confirm that yes, today’s that day. A new CorelDRAW suite, built natively for macOS is here, and we couldn’t be happier to share the news! We hope you’ll visit our site and read the latest blog from John Falsetto on our product management team to learn all the details about our three new CorelDRAW offerings.  

Thanks, everyone!

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  • I have a question as to licensing. I have upgraded my laptop to the 2019 version. My desktop computer is still running 2018. Can I upgrade the desktop also? In the past I have installed on both machines, but only run one at a time. It's not allowing me to do that now. So anything I create on the laptop can't be opened on the desktop. The 2019 version on the laptop does not allow me to save in a format that the desktop can open. Please advise. Thank you!

  • Just now I found how to turn down smoothing. So, now I can pretty much draw freely. My next goal is to find out if one can paint freely with different paint strokes without any molding or bounding box on the different paint brushes. Keep me updated on any other methods within CorelDRAW to do this.

  • ok, now I am able to draw freely without the bounding box or any box. Now, I have noticed that the line is being smoothed, which is very useful and can truly be needed as something that truly makes an accurate rendition of whatever one is painting, but I also want the choice to draw without line smoothing, for that too, drawing with no line smoothing, can be an accurate imitation of whatever one is drawing.

  • Well, I have found somewhat of an answer. If I use the Freehand tool, I can go up to the Properties Box an turn off the Bounding Box, which is the last option to the far right on the Properties Bar. If there is another way to simply draw without any measuring box or bounding box, let me know.