Heroes Force™ Action Figures : Product Line : Brand

Heroes Force™ is the first Canadian action figure. I was approached to create the artwork for the Action Figure, the Logo, all of the Packaging materials and Promo Items.

  • The molds for the figure required me to create a front, side and back view of each of the (6) figures manufactured to date.
  • Each figure's schematic consists of over 800 pieces
  • All of the artwork was created in Coreldraw

Project Specifics

  • PMS Colours used.
  • Object Containers used to house the clothing.
  • Symbols were used to create the Military camouflage, to keep file size down and speed refresh rate.
  • I created Custom Recorded Macros for shadows and highlights, triggered with a custom shortcut key. For example, after drawing out a black object in the rough shape of desired shadow I would simply use a shortcut key triggering a macro to 1) convert shape to a bitmap 2) apply a gausssian blur 3) apply transparency 4) pick a specific blending mode.
  • All Illustration were done with Bézier tool.
  • Mesh fill tool was used for skin tone gradients in the 2nd version of the figure (not pictured).
  • Horizontal & Vertical Dimension Tool used to provide exact specs to manufacturer for production.

Heroes Force™ action figures are currently available across Canada and online via our website.
