three snakes

Egyptian prophetess Taraxandra. In their hands it has always been a book, a middle-aged, wore a red dress. About sibyls said Clement of Alexandria in his "Word to the Gentiles."

In russian: прорицательница (сибилла) Египетская Тараксандра. В руках своих она всегда носила книгу, возраста была среднего, ходила в красной одежде. О сивилле сообщает Климент Александрийский в своем «Слове к язычникам». For those who want to say: ( для желающих, обсуждение) здесь.

I think it's - best of all my graphic work for the last three years. This is a series of pictures. Like Mikelandzhello. He also painted Sibyls. This vector image, I even did not believe, did two years.

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  • First of all Alexander, your line work is incredible!!  Always has been.

    Secondly, I don't know why, but I see sorrow, in the face that isn't there.  It shows how a great piece of art draws emotions to the viewer.  Keep up the great work.

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