CorelDraw 2019 Crashes and Bugs Fixture

After working on setups for a week, I finally make it stable.

The first problem that I found was that if you bring a 2018 Workspace you can not type any this unless you go around the issue. Once you start having issues with this everything start having different problems "must of them listed on the forum"

How I was able to fix the problems? "lots of things to do but finally it is stable"

  1. The first thing that I did was to change to light Workspace.
  2. Then I start recreating my 2018 Workspace that took a while because my Workspace is very complex it includes new shortcuts, new menu items, a lot of different buttons different pallets etc.
  3. The process to fix this was like this modify some setting then click on Tools->Save Settings as Default then click on Window->Workspace->Export then select all check marks and save it as your preferred name.
  4. Once you are done with all your settings close CorelDraw then press F8 and at the same time click o the Corel Icon to open it say yes on the next window.
  5. After it opens Go to Window->Workspace->Import select you saved file and open it as current Workspace.
  6. Now go to Tools->Save Settings as Default then click on Window->Workspace->Export then select all check marks and save it over your existing file
  7. Close CorelDraw and uninstall it remove the folders of Corel 2019.
  8. Restart your computer and then reinstall it.
  9. Once it is re install it Open CorelDraw and import your Workspace over the default one.

That will make the job.

I hope it helps.

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