I am not able to first run CorelDRAW GS 2019 trial. An unknown error during login.

Hello. I installed trial version of CorelDRAW Graphic Suite 2019 on Windows 10 latest build 1809.
After the installation the window with account creation or login to existing appeared.

I tried to create new account through this window but it faild with unknow error. So I opened web browser and created my new account on the corel.com web page successfully.
I returned back to the Corel window and filled my new login informations but got the same unknown error. I am not able to log in.
When I clicked "Did you forget your password?" i got message like this: "This Page Is Unavailable - Check if the web address http://mc.corel.com is correct."
When I put this address to my web browser, to check if it works, I get similar result - This Page Can not be find.

I restarted my computer and tried it again with no luck. My internet connection is working. I also tried to switch off firewall but i get the same results.

I orderd year subscription already and I am waiting for serial number, but in mean time I downloaded installer and wanted to try trial vesion because I need to work with CorelDRAW right now.

Any sugestions how to solve this?

Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Hello I found solution for this issue. It has to do with Local DNS Lookup in Hosts file in Windows.

    There are some entries in that file you need to remove (I don’t know how it gets there and why?). Delete all rows starting with zeros and contain any corel addresses. Something like:   mc.corel.com

    For more info how to find and edit this file see this link:


    Maybe you will need to restart Windows after this edit.

    After modifying this file you should be able to run Corel apps.

    Let me know.

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