Open this file.  zoom in and select the yellow arc.  apply a 3d extrusion effect.  no copy the "adlucent" extrusion style to the arc.  now select the image background and notice the cursor change.  now notice how it locks the tool and it's glitchy and difficult to select other tools or zoom in.

please confirm.

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  • Although it seems to be just a separate yellow shape, it has the same perspective and Extrusion than the text. So, maybe it was a part of the logo and cropped, for example, then it maintain the properties. If you select it, automatically takes the same extrusion than the text.  But if you move the extrusion of the arc, the shapes of the previous extrusion becomes visible. If you break apart, and apply a new extrusion, it works fine.

    It's a random bug, yes, but nothing new, I saw similar issue several times on previous versions too. The worst part is that it does not indicate that it is an extrusion, nor that it has perspective, it shows it as an independent object until an extrusion is applied, just then "remembers" the values it possessed. 

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