Change position after minimalization or crash

Hello, i have 3 monitors problem.

1. first one is 1440p, second 4k and third is 1080p but pivoted 90 degrees.

2. 4k monitor is main in settings.

3. after corel shut down or minimalizaion or crash corel will launch on third pivoted monitor.

4. when i move id to main in middle to 4k one everythin is small and i need to change scaling to 4k monitor.

5. after openning ui size change settings they are correct and after reajusting they then everyting will change to normal.

Its preaty frustrating every day to do this few times. This start to do few months ago.

  • V2019 has built in "crash" feature.  You'll have to "live" with it, until Corel removes this upgrade feature.  Purchasing $99 US Upgrade Protection will ensure it stays in future versions.  Please purchase this immediately as Upgrade purchase options will be DEAD Dec 1 2019.  If you do not do so, please pay FULL $499 US price.