Circular dimensions - will there ever be a way?

I use the dimensioning tools quite a bit and that's fine for squarish things.  Will there (or is there a hidden way) to put a diameter or radius on an arc?  It would be so great to click a circle and have the diameter.  

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  • I AGREE!

    I know there are some macros etc, but CorelDraw also needs native support for arc-length & curve length also.  You can get this in the properties panel, but it needs to be added to the DIMENSIONING tool also.

    I know this is CAD features, but the beauty of CorelDraw, is you don't have to use those boring CAD programs to dimension... it's just missing some great dimensioning tools CAD programs have to finish it up.  And, no we don't want these added to only CorelCAD or CorelDesigner…  we need them in CorelDraw.

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