Object Manager Missing "Break Curve Apart" ?

Hi, my new 2019 problem: I'm missing "Break Curve Apart" - Object Manager Layer.  If I select the curve in the object manager and then press the right mouse button, I miss the function. It works only if I click on the object directly. Can I add this somewhere?

Parents Reply
  • Ok, i had a lot of problems with Corel until i found out why. As soon as I insert "break apart", I can not import PDF or DXF anymore.

    I checked on my system, and I can still import PDF and DXF files.

    I would try using a "fresh, clean" Default workspace. If everything worked correctly, then I would try adding that command to that menu - where it was in previous versions! - to see if it causes problems.

    If adding a regular command to a regular menu caused PDF and DXF imports to fail, that would be a very strange - and very bad - behavior.

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