Crashing on column editing

EVERY time I edit the column widths the programme freezes momentarily then vanishes from the screen - and now they want to sell me the 2020 version!!!

No way!

Parents Reply
  • t brings to mind another change I've noticed since switching from X5; in the PhotoPaint 'Resample' dialogue box in X5 changing any value changes all the other relevant values - so you can immediately see what effect the new entry will have on, say, image size.  In 2019 this doesn't happen until you click on another value.  It's a small thing but it seems almost related to the problem we've been discussing.

    I see something similar in the CorelDRAW dialog when exporting as a bitmap, and in a few other places in the user interface.

    I think that a lot of things got changed in 2019, and it shows up especially in how some of the "event driven" stuff in the user interface works.

    I personally have never gotten completely comfortable with situations where software requires me to "put the focus on some other control" as a way of telling it that it should "update" something in response to a change I have made to a value. If it can't update automatically "on the fly", then it is easier for me if there is a specific way - e.g.,  pressing "Enter", or "Update Form", or "Preview" - to tell it, "I've just changed this value; now do your thing".
