Corel Folder location

My 3rd question on the forum - the first two questions were answered and helped me tremendously. Not sure if this is the right forum but here is the question.

Recently I installed Dropbox and got so fed up with it flashing my desktop icons and - just a disaster.  This last weekend I uninstalled it. As usual I did a search on my hard drive and found one isolated folder under programs relating to dropbox.  I deleted that folder and it erased all of my files on my computer.  Through One Drive I managed to restore all the files but I get one popup every time I open Corel which pops up right over the Corel opening popup.

Here is what it says.

"Please reconnect the device that has the file location, or choose a new folder. In the meantime, content will be saved in the Corel default location. You can move the content after the file locations is restored."

Hoping one of you Coreldraw experts is also computer savvy enough to tell me how to rectify this.  I can 'x' out or click 'OK' on the popup and it allows Corel to open but what a pain to see this pop up every time I open Corel.
