chatGPT can not answer this question

I have a selected curve. Then run the code below and curve begin to rotate counterclockwise 

Declaration of Sleep function is  made in command module:
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long

Use Ctrl-Break to interrupt cycle

Problem: I see rotating curve square handlers, but not see rotating curve

I asked chatGPT, but no working answer.

I have questions:
1. How to make curve showing during rotation?
2. How to hide handlers during rotation?
3. How to break cycle without using Ctrl-Break

Sub Rotate_curve()
ActiveShape.RotationCenterX = ActiveShape.Curve.Nodes(1).PositionX
ActiveShape.RotationCenterY = ActiveShape.Curve.Nodes(1).PositionY
ActiveShape.Rotate 10 'tbDistance.Value
Sleep 500
GoTo begin
End Sub

I show here a question to chatGPT
VBA Corel X3 I have a line segment. I select the line segment and execute the following code. It moves the rotation center to one end of the line segment and starts a loop with a 10-degree counterclockwise rotation. The problem is that the line segment is not visible during the rotation. I apply the ActiveWindow.Refresh method, but it still doesn't show. How can I modify the code to make the rotating line segment visible?
