is this possible through scripting.

usually if we click on any command icon, it reacts to single click only.

but i want this...

i would like to hold the left mouse button on any command icon to affect continuously despite of one time. 

please must answer. 

if possible, please someone help what to do. 

  • i just know how to do this and installed autokey. tried.  but this is completely changed.  if i try to drag the handles with the left mouse button, it is considering that it is a command icon, affecting. oho disturbed everything.  just see this. 

    I'm sorry for the confusion. If you want a script that allows for continuous activation of a command icon in CorelDRAW by holding the left mouse button without affecting the selection and dragging of objects, you would typically need to modify the behavior within the CorelDRAW application itself, which is not directly achievable through scripting.The behavior of how command icons respond to mouse clicks is controlled by the CorelDRAW application's interface and event handling, which is not exposed for direct manipulation through scripting.

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