I bet now you're happy that you didn't buy Affinity!

Canva has bought Affinity,  Designer,  Publisher and Photo.

I have Affinity Photo 1 but I saw nothing of value in Photo 2.  

It will be interesting to see what happens now.

  • C'mon David, its not as though I sold my soul to the devil when I bought the Affinity Suite. It was something like $100. And no I do not regret it for one minute I'm now using AP daily ( I have 10 years worth of photos to process for an update to my website) in place of PS CS6. It works. In combination with Luminar Neo it is far superior to PS CS6.

    I accept that Designer isn't going to replace Draw anytime soon, but Publisher is great for assembling booklets or PDF presentations (way better than MS Powerpoint) . We have to accept unless you go Adobe you will need a combination of tools to achieve your aims. So be it. I'm never going to persevere with PP, its just way too clunky and missing important tools to do what I need, even though it is installed on the PC.

    And lets remember Corel had to row back on its subscription model, simply because it doesn't have the traction that Adobe has. If Canva is as stupid to go Subscription only with Affinity it too will suffer and I will vote with my feet. I can live with what I have now, just like I'm still with CDGS 2018 until Corel either fixes the bugs I logged as a beta tester or it has something new that is of use to me.

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