September release

Just installed and have to head out, I will test later today.

  • So far the only concern I have is the soon death of Type 1 fonts. We have many hundreds (thousands?) of them used all over the place. Not all have equivalents in OTF or TTF. Of course, converting is always an option but tedious when you're talking about thousands of files across 30 or so folders. We have fonts in alphabetical folders according to name, plus a few special folders for other groups, so filtering all those and feeding them into a font converter will be a large task plus the problem of dealing with ones that don't convert automatically and need to be loaded individually into Font Forge or something equivalent and manually rebuilt. It was bad enough when Adobe decided to drop support, at least we still could use them in Draw, now that's not going to be an option either.

    For now it seems support is there, any hint on when it will be removed?

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