VBA to determine square footage of selected object using document's current worldscale

See title

  • While Cadtool 5 is a commercial product, it solves your problem, plus offer other cool features along the way. Each icon along the top opens up many other useful things.

  • I cobbled the below to do just that. It also employs a user form (I cannot upload the .frx file, but you can easily create one from the doe below.

    frmObject area.frm 

    VERSION 5.00
    Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} frmObjectArea
    Caption = "Object Area"
    ClientHeight = 2490
    ClientLeft = 45
    ClientTop = 390
    ClientWidth = 4710
    OleObjectBlob = "frmObjectArea.frx":0000
    StartUpPosition = 1 'CenterOwner
    Attribute VB_Name = "frmObjectArea"
    Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
    Attribute VB_Creatable = False
    Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
    Attribute VB_Exposed = False

    Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
    Me.tag = "1"
    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
    Me.tag = "0"
    End Sub

    Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
    If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
    Cancel = True
    End If
    End Sub



    MultiUse = -1 'True
    Attribute VB_Name = "ThisMacroStorage"
    Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
    Attribute VB_Creatable = False
    Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
    Attribute VB_Exposed = True
    Option Explicit

    Function buildShapeRange(thisShape As Variant, combinedShape As ShapeRange) As ShapeRange

    ' this helper function recursively iterates through the selected shape range and and
    ' adds any valid shapes (e.g., curves, rectangles, ellipses, polygons) to a new shape range
    ' which is returned to the calling sub

    Dim tmpShape As shape

    If combinedShape Is Nothing Then 'initialize an empty shape range on first pass
    Set combinedShape = New ShapeRange
    End If

    For Each tmpShape In thisShape.Shapes 'iterate through all shapes
    Select Case tmpShape.Type
    Case Is = cdrGroupShape 'if this is a group, recursively iterate through all shapes in the group
    Set combinedShape = buildShapeRange(tmpShape, combinedShape)
    Case Is = cdrRectangleShape, cdrCurveShape, cdrEllipseShape, cdrPolygonShape 'add any valid shape to the combined shape range
    combinedShape.Add tmpShape
    Case Else 'ignore all other shape types
    End Select

    Set buildShapeRange = combinedShape 'return combined shape range

    End Function

    Sub ObjectArea()

    ' this subroutine calculates the area of a selected object by creating a temporary
    ' boundary around the selected shapes and using the shape.DisplayCurve.area property
    ' to determine the area
    ' since the selection may contain more than one shape, a group or groups, or shapes
    ' that should not be used in the area computation such as text or dimensions, the
    ' buildShapeRange helper function is used to create a shape range containing only
    ' valid shapes

    Const title = "Object Area"

    Dim thisSelection As ShapeRange 'the shape range of the user's selection
    Dim combinedShape As ShapeRange 'a shape range containing the valid shapes
    Dim area As Single ' the computed are in world coordinates
    Dim boundry As shape ' the temporary boundary created for the computation
    Dim oldUnit As Long ' documents original unit scale
    Dim label ' used to iterate through the combo box labels
    Dim wd As Single ' the document world scale
    Dim metrics ' array of unit constants
    Dim labels ' array of combo box labels
    Dim index As Long 'the index of the combo box selection
    Dim tag As String ' the tag set by the dialog indicating calculate or cancel

    wd = ActiveDocument.WorldScale ' get the document world scale
    oldUnit = ActiveDocument.Unit ' save the documents original units

    If ActiveSelectionRange.Shapes.Count = 0 Then 'check to make sure at least one shape is selected
    MsgBox "No shape(s) selected. Please select at least one shape and try again", vbCritical, title
    GoTo errorExit
    End If

    metrics = Array(cdrCentimeter, cdrInch, cdrFoot, cdrYard, cdrMeter, cdrMile, cdrKilometer) 'initialize metrics array
    labels = Array(" sq centimeters", " sq inches", " sq feet", " sq yards", " sq meters", " sq miles", " sq kilometers") 'initialize label array

    For Each label In labels 'iterate through labels to populate the combo box
    frmObjectArea.cboMetric.AddItem (Trim(label))

    frmObjectArea.Show ' display the dialog box
    tag = frmObjectArea.tag ' retrieve the tag set by the cancel ('0') or calculate ('1') button

    index = frmObjectArea.cboMetric.ListIndex ' retrieve the index of the combo box selection
    Unload frmObjectArea

    If (index = -1) Or (tag <> "1") Then GoTo errorExit ' if no combo box item is selected or cancel is pressed exit

    ActiveDocument.Unit = metrics(index) ' set units to correspond to the combo box selection

    Set thisSelection = ActiveSelectionRange ' get the user's selected shape (s)

    Set combinedShape = buildShapeRange(thisSelection, combinedShape) ' call the helper function to return s shape range with only valid shapes

    Set boundry = combinedShape.Shapes.All.CreateBoundary(0, 0) ' create a boundary around the shape range

    If Not boundry Is Nothing Then 'open shapes will not compute a boundary
    area = boundry.DisplayCurve.area
    End If

    If area = 0 Then ' check to make sure a valid area has been returned
    MsgBox "Unable to compute area", vbCritical, title
    GoTo errorExit
    End If

    MsgBox Round(wd * wd * area, 2) & labels(index), vbInformation, title ' display a message box with the computed area


    ActiveDocument.Unit = oldUnit
    Set boundry = Nothing
    Set thisSelection = Nothing
    Set combinedShape = Nothing

    End Sub