How can I stop the missing/substitute font dialogue box from appearing? Isn't this what the font manager is for to find missing fonts?

We have numerous designers that work on the same files and we have a font folder that we use to make sure all our systems have the same fonts. I also work from home frequently and when I open a file that I have worked on at a different location, the missing font dialogue box opens up, even though I've picked a font and chosen to make that substitution permanent or use the Panose font option. It's is really frustrating.

I also ran into a situation after installing a CorelDraw on a new laptop I bought where text was being embedded and editing it was a nightmare. The dialogue box opened every time I need to edit any text.

My question is this: Isn't this what the font manager is for to find fonts that are either installed on the system or missing? I really could use some help with this.

Thank you!

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  • The new font system inside CorelDRAW is installed with what I consider poorly throughout defaults. In CorelDRAW I set my filters to only see installed and system fonts.

    Then I only use the font manager to view and install fonts, which are installed t the local system font folder. In multiple system operations this can reduce the missing font dialog and with the take home system as well as long as you open the file while on the network and install the fonts.

    There's not allot you can do about newer versions of fonts in many cases because many Windows users design with system fonts that are on the computer and when new systems are placed on line they only reside on that system.

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