Create and Apply ColorStyle with Macro


I'm developing a Macro to create some ColorStyles and Apply this ColorStyles to Shapes. To Create a ColorStyle is not the problem. But how to Apply it to a shape? I doesnt find a solution four approx. four hours

corel.Shape shape = ActiveSelection;
corel.Color color = CreateColor("#ff0011");
corel.Color colorstyle = ActiveDocument.StyleSheet.CreateColorStyle("colorRed", color);

shape.Fill.ApplyUniformFill(color); // this is only the color, not the ColorStyle - I know

foreach (corel.Color item in ActiveDocument.StyleSheet.AllColorStyles)
Debug.WriteLine("Name is {1} with Hex {0}", item.HexValue, item.ColorStyleName); // Output is: Name is colorRed with Hex #FF0011
shape.Fill.UniformColor = item; // Apply ColorStyle to Shape

So far so good. But if I have more then one ColorStyle I want to add specific Style by Name. How can I do this?
